

One of the feature craft projects of my ART STUDIO IN A BOX launch product is a Tooth Fairy box. Here i am showing the work of a 5 year old friend who just lost her tooth and made this delicious box to house her ivory treasures sure to be exchanged for coin.

What i imagine in my mind is that the Tooth Fairy is a jewelry designer making ivory adornments with our teeth in Tooth Fairy land and making major coin and that is how she pays us off for our baby ivories. Teeth like diamonds. AH yes.....

Brush your teeth and buy my box. Two things to treasure!


Where i have been.....

When life gives you lemons you make drinks, create a stand to sell them, formulate on the spot jingles about the lemons, cut garnishes, clean houses with them, make a new fragrance "eau citron deux" and paint your front door yellow.
Or at least that is what i did.
Go find your lemons.


Florence + The Machine - BRINGS ME JOY!

Beauty, sound, vision, colour together in one magic array of dazzling display makes me cry. I just love this song and this video. ENJOY! Happy Friday!



I am heading to CBC on Thursday to show how to "make your own chandelier" and "weave ribbons for a wall hanging piece". This is my inspiration room for this project. I hope your New Year's eve was delicious. I am thinking pink 2011. XO